
The Brain is a Noodle
1 min readMay 29, 2021

Walking down the road,
Minding my own,
Sides filled with piles of leaves,
Saw a bird sitting on top of it,
Strange to see that it wasn’t reacting,
To all vehicles passing almost by it,
“I think it needs help”, said my heart,
“Are you crazy? Why would you do such a thing?”, said my mind,
Social anxiety pulling me forward,
“You don’t know what to do, come on now!”,
Head engulfed with thoughts,
All about that bird,
Wondering how it would be,
Just to stay, unable to fly away,
And why I didn’t lend a hand forward,
When it needed the most,
In this way, I wouldn’t know,
How many times I have unknowingly done this before,
I went to that place again,
The bird wasn’t there,
The questions running inside me,
Did it fly away or some cat got it?
Now the answer seems nowhere to be found,
All I got in return was regret and realization.



The Brain is a Noodle

Engineer, poetess, dreamer and a human. I say nonsensical things and mean it sometimes.