Sandcastles in sand

Washed up memories….Prompt

Dazzling Shene
The Brain is a Noodle
1 min readAug 19, 2021


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Sandcastles in the sand

washed up memories

a wave crashed by

gurgling white foam

a sand castle tumbles in shambles

the shackles are broken

You and I

no longer rein

the castle has fallen

a Queen has lost her King

our echoes are carried by the gusty wind

the tethered sand castle walls crash down

sand kisses sand

hugged and adorned by shells and pebbles

strolled on by crabs

and ringed with giggles

of children playing near by

a child picks up his bucket

and some water to build up a narrow tower

starting from scratch

he builds up the castle again

only to have it washed up by the next wave

lamenting its fall

another child pick up from where the first left

only to start all over again

the Queen keeps losing her King in the process

and reminds herself to let no walls, no King, no castle

no one, ever enslave her again!

© Dazzling Shene 2021

Thanks Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) for kindly publishing my poetry :)



Dazzling Shene
The Brain is a Noodle

A dreamer, a believer, a visionary, serpenting my way through the whirlwinds of life. Here to Razzle and bedazzle You~2 X Top writer in Poetry