
Saying Goodbye to Things I Love

Painful but necessary: a poem

Marilyn Wolf
The Brain is a Noodle
Apr 18, 2022


Photo by Angel Balashev on Unsplash

It was time to say goodbye to
almost everything I ever had.
Moving again.
Taking little.
So little.

Not much more than
would fit in a
small SUV.

Books, furniture, art, clothes, collections
All had to go,
Ruthless choices.
Most didn’t matter,

The gorgeous, handmade, hand carved, one-of-a-kind cradle from my parents,
that was hard,
so hard.

Photo by Jonathan Taylor on Unsplash, as intricate as this picture is, it only begins to describe the cradle.

I sat with it
touched it
shared energy with it
wished it well on its journey.

Then I said goodbye
to it

©2022, Marilyn Wolf

In response to the prompt about cycles and objects from Lucy Dan:

Here are couple poems about this process of moving:



Marilyn Wolf
The Brain is a Noodle

Poet, author, wanderer, always curious. In Celebration of the Death of Faeries is her first book; she is currently editing a second.