
Side Hustle

A poem.

Simão Cunha
The Brain is a Noodle
1 min readAug 14, 2022


Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash

You must have a side hustle”,
They tell me;
But I do have one”,
I said to them;
Which one?”,
They ask;
I answer.

That’s not a side hustle!
They say, in an angrier way,
Reacting as I told them I have doing something wrong;
Say’s who?”,
I finished.

The idea of making other people uncomfortable is what made Art beautiful, (at least for me); You really can see the truth behind a person who says they accept others' opinions, unless they don’t understand their opinion.

I believe life has a level for humans, just like a videogame, the higher the level, the harder it be, (or the excited it becomes), but you don’t know what level you are at, you just have to keep playing, (or living), and you don’t brag either, bragging is on the first levels, the more you play, the silent you became, and of course, the more you learn, the less you know, but the more you want to know.

#WritingPrompt: tell me about your home

