Silent Warriors: Women’s Journey in Two Worlds

Pooja Rane
The Brain is a Noodle
1 min readMar 17, 2024

Every day is International Women’s Day

Photo by Hristina Šatalova on Unsplash

In the early morning, as the day begins,
Strong women rise, facing life’s challenges with grins.
They speak different tongues, yet they find their way,
Balancing work and home, come what may.

In their colorful sarees, they show their might,
Handling chores and jobs, morning until night.
Their cooking tells stories, rich and deep,
Preserving traditions, as they peacefully sleep.

But outside their homes, a different scene,
Where unfamiliar words can seem mean.
In offices, they work, despite the barrier,
Their determination shines brighter and clearer.

Though they stumble on words, they never quit,
Facing hurdles with courage, bit by bit.
Their journey is one of strength and grace,
Leaving a mark on every place.

Here’s to these women, brave and true,
Who balances it all, old and new.
In homes and beyond, their strength is found,
Their story echoes all around.

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Pooja Rane
The Brain is a Noodle

Writing helps me soothe my soul, so here I am 🌻| I show my “techyside” on :, Currently in Dallas, TX