So You Want To Know More About Me — #3 July

TBIN July Interview Questions

The Brain is a Noodle


Bologna, 2019 | Photo by the Author

So here we are again with the third episode of «So You Want To Know More About Me».

Previously on…

[1] If you could go back to the beginning of your writing career, however far back that is, what is one tip you would give yourself?

Do not buy into a culture where you can’t “just write”.

Do not buy into a culture where you can’t write and do other things too.

In other words, don’t let ANYTHING prevent you from being a writer.

[2] In classic group-based ice-breakers format: “Share your name and one random fact about yourself”, how do you choose the fact to share? Do you come up with one on the spot? Does it change depending on who you’re talking to? Do you have one “go-to” answer for all of these ice-breaker situations?

