The Darkness in My Room

Caused by the power outage

Writer's Dream
The Brain is a Noodle
1 min readAug 12, 2023


What a power outage at night taught me about the true nature of life?
Photo by David Gabrić on Unsplash

The room is pitch dark.

When I stepped outside my room, I saw darkness everywhere. I can see a few flickering lights in the distant apartments. But other than this, there is no light.

The complete darkness has its own beauty.

I can experience this only when there is a power outage at night.

Inside my room, it looks like a complete void. My vision submerges in the blackness. Only the sound of my breath fills the emptiness. The jet-black darkness reminds me of nothingness. Without light, everything I call mine vanishes — my bed, kitchen, painting, laptop,writing-everything becomes non-existent to my mortal eyes.

I can only feel my breath and thought.

Probably, the darkness teaches me that only these two are under my control.

Everything else is transitory in life.

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