Food Stories

The Day Mama Burnt the Spaghetti

And other kitchen disasters we were told to keep secret

Connie Song
The Brain is a Noodle


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Every family has secrets. And if you wanted to eat or live, for that matter, you learned to keep your mouth shut. I was the exception.

I hated Mama’s food. She burnt the pasta and her eggs were runny. I stole two dollars and snuck out to the McDonalds on Waverly Avenue and ordered two burgers and was always short the change I needed. The person on the line behind me usually took pity or was annoyed that I was holding up the line, and for what? a few pennies. But even if I had to beg, I would have done it. Mama’s food was that vile.

It’s not really her fault. Her parents were hippies who’d rather smoke or drink berry wine or pureed grass seed than eat. She did her best. Only that was never good enough. To this day, I have nothing against Mama. Only her food.

Have you ever made something that turned out to be a disaster in the kitchen?

© Connie Song 2022. All Rights Reserved.



Connie Song
The Brain is a Noodle

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