The Noodles of My Soul

Trust the cosmos and surrender to the heart

Writer's Dream
The Brain is a Noodle
Jan 14, 2024


The noodles of my choice
<a href=”">Image By freepik</a>

Somedays, my brain is voiceless, and my heart has unbounded emotions.
My eyes swell with tears of past heartbreaks and agony.
All the creative goals become meaningless.
On these days, I cook noodles of my choice.

When there is no zest in my body and soul to plan
I prepare the noodles with all the leftover veggies that are scattered in my refrigerator.
It’s like trying to create a new life with all the broken pieces of heart.
It’s like following the heart over the mind to see what emerges.

To my surprise, the noodle recipe tastes good.
It’s a reminder to trust the cosmos and surrender to the heart
whether it’s dancing in joy or weeping in sorrow.
There is goodness in every heartbreak.
That tastes magical, like the noodle of the soul.

