The Secret Garden

Today, I discovered it in my thoughts

Writer's Dream
The Brain is a Noodle
1 min readAug 5, 2023


The secret garden
Photo by Paolo Chiabrando on Unsplash

Come along with me.
I will show you a secret garden I found today.

It has a round wooden red door.
There is a golden latch on it
Beyond the door, there is a sparkling green lake
It will mirror the best version of yourself
To the right of the lake is a pumpkin couch
If you sit on it, it will take you to another dreamland
So I will guide you to the other side.
There is a blue wooden bench.
A mystical tree overlooks it.
It is a golden tree with many bright flowers and fruits.

A few steps further is a pink two-story cottage.
It has five doors and one window.

The birds are all blue.
Be careful what you think, as they can read your mind.

Tomorrow I will take you inside the cottage.
Today they are sleeping.

