The Tired Man

5 Haikus on a Man who tires of war

The Brain is a Noodle
Aug 7, 2022


Photo by Cash Macanaya on Unsplash

By the boughs I sit
Aching from all the training
Awaiting my turn

Crimson blood seeps through
Merging with the muddy stream
This may spell my end

The dark bed above
Cares not for my battlecry
Why do we still fight

The final battle now
O alas finish me please
I smell stewed meats now

My vision closed up
Friends await, anytime now
Finally goodbye



The Brain is a Noodle

“The Broker of Truths”. I Use Poetry To Let the Light In. To Be the Crack in the Illusion. Feel Truth of the Highest Order. Question Your World. Pro Beauty.