The Universe keeps poking me

Who knew it had fingers

Marilyn Wolf
The Brain is a Noodle


Photo by Gary Meulemans on Unsplash

I know you think of me.
I can feel it.

I still think of you.
Mostly when the Universe pokes me.

poke Our neighbor has your name.
poke Your truck is in our garage.
poke We have the same words in our addresses.

poke Country dancing.

poke I was in line to get on a plane recently
with a man in front of me
your height, build, hair,
same lower leg idiosyncrasy.

poke At the gym the other day
a man was getting in the water
as I was getting out.
He looked like you.

poke You show up in my dreams
in your boots, jeans, and tank top.

With every poke
I remember.

F*cking Universe.

©2021, Marilyn Wolf



Marilyn Wolf
The Brain is a Noodle

Poet, author, wanderer, always curious. In Celebration of the Death of Faeries is her first book; she is currently editing a second.