
A patriotic duty

R. Rangan PhD
The Brain is a Noodle


Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Wildfires burn and CoVID surges
School are mostly virtual
Time to work from home
If you are in the minority that has work
With plenty of others simply out of luck
There is a lot to feel down
Of that, there is no doubt at all

Even amongst it all
There is a reason to care
For the hundreds before us
have fought for this very right
To step in the line
And ask for a Ballot
To head to the booth
and make known our choice

Vote for a man or woman
Vote for a cause
Vote for any reason at all
Vote for your country
Vote for the past glory
Vote to shape the future story

With the darkness of this pandemic
Let us remember
Our patriotic duty
It is a simple ask
To wear a mask
And Vote!



R. Rangan PhD
The Brain is a Noodle

Mindfulness enthusiast; Collector of stories; Storyteller in training and Observer of life’s small details.