War of the Waves

Three men wade in.

It’s more fun than it looks here. Author’s photograph

Wading into war.
Three men dare.

Thank you Mary Chang Story Writer — awesome tagger, great writer, friend and outdoor fitness/headstand guru — for involving me in this 6-word story challenge.

Since I live near the coast, beach walks and boogie boarding are part of my entertainment and fitness regimen. As we always say after getting salty,

“there’s never a bad day in the water.”

Tagging Ann Marie Steele, Christopher Robin, Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她), Kristina God, Terry Mansfield, Terry Trueman, Vilma G. Reynoso, Samantha Drobac, Mia Z. Edwards, Zach Klebaner, Carlos Garbiras, Sarah Paris, Holly J See, Holly Jahangiri, Donna L Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff), Vishnu*s Virtues, Tracy Luk



Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬
The Brain is a Noodle

The “MD” & “um” in Medium, and the “er” in wisenheimer | Doctor Funny editor/czar | Sultan of satire | disgraced former parking lot attendant