What’s One Organizational Tip That Keeps You Sane?

Sunny Side Updates with TBIN || Week 43


Photo by Nadeena Granville on Unsplash

Hey guys,

It’s August.

For those who live on a school schedule, you know it’s the hectic time of gearing up for that September start. Schools are opening up again, and by that I mean a) for edu-ma-cation, but also b) opening up for the first time since pandemic lockdown. So I don’t know about you, but there’s a lot of uncertainty and stress regardless of whether you’re 5 and entering kindergarten or 27 and trying to finish your PhD (me).

So, to pre-emptively counteract that, I’m reaching out for help, advice and wisdom from the community. What’s one way that you organize your life to make it less hectic?

Even if it isn’t about school, please do share your wisdom! Sometimes, adapting the way that someone copes with organization or stress in their life in an entirely new way injects that much-needed creativity I need in my life.

My 💎 gem 💎 to share is here:



Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)
The Brain is a Noodle

Filling in the cracks on conflicting self improvement advice and translating how these can work for a more diverse audience ✨ Icon by: @jkbarts #WEOC writer.