Yell At It or Embrace It

The Choice is Yours

Writer's Dream
The Brain is a Noodle
Jul 15, 2023


How to gracefully handle situations that you do not like.
Photo by Phil Goodwin on Unsplash

Are you feeling stuck?

Want to scream loud?

You can do it, but nobody is going to save you.

Take a deep breath before you yell at yourself.
Zoom out of your life for a few seconds.
Nothing is permanent.

If you try to embrace a situation and gracefully handle it, it will give you a good night's sleep.

In your free time, prepare yourself where you want to see yourself.
For example, if you don’t like your roommate, look for an alternative instead of feeling helpless.

Yelling will give you a headache.
Embracing the difficult situation will give you self-mastery.

