‘Know What You’re FOR’ by Jeff Henderson

Robert Carnes
The Brain Share


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Creating Raving Fans

  • The winning organizations of tomorrow are more concerned about becoming fans of their customers than vice versa.
  • When customers realize an organization is for them, they return the favor.
  • Use your business to grow people, not the other way around.
  • What is good for people is good for business.
  • Everyone asks: Do you like me? Can you help me? Can I trust you?
  • See customers as friends.

Developing a Healthy Culture

  • Your culture is created by default or design.
  • The customer is treated the way your team is treated.
  • It’s hard to be in favor of your audience when at odds with your staff.
  • Thriving organizations have a culture of deep appreciation.
  • Catch people doing the right thing, and celebrate it.
  • The most harmful feedback is none.



Robert Carnes
The Brain Share

Communicator. Innovator. Storyteller. Author of several books, including The Story Cycle.