*Image courtesy of political clown parade*

“America’s Pop Culture Is Horseshit”

Brandon Neilan
3 min readMar 6, 2015


*Image courtesy of MTV*

People are more worried about what’s on MTV, (Music Television) a largely non-music oriented cable channel that used to actually feature music — but is now worried more about how many slanted (non-scripted) — but really scripted reality shows it can air that are full of young adult attention-getters.

Think Teen Mom, Real World (Is this show still on?), I think I stopped watching MTV, close to 8 years ago — so I apologize if my secondary research proves ill-conceived. I guess MTV cribs used to be cool — but then HGTV is the better beast of the two.

These cultures of pop are quite literally the shit that spews from the horse.

*Image courtesy of Paper*

Then you have ‘The Kardashians” Kim Kardashian specifically — a glorified amateur porn star, fashion designer, and star of “The Kardashians.”

How big can Kim Kardashian’s ass grow? That was the question that blew up and went viral when photos of Kim Kardashian — posing nude with her beautiful buttocks was plastered all over the web. Oh dear — Kimmy all exposed — said the flocking audience — she’s breaking the internet, said someones grandma.

Oh dear — Kimmy all exposed — said the flocking audience — she’s breaking the internet, said someones grandma.

*Image courtesy of liveleak.com*

Michael Moore. I mean, what can even be said about this guy? With his obesity and ‘self-dejection’ I'm surprised he’s even still living.

Honestly, I've never agreed with this guy - from his conspiracy theories on 9/11 to his very poor filmmaking and anti-military, anti-veteran, anti-American pessimism — I've never even been able to understand how he even made it into the business — and for that matter, is STILL in business.

From his recent comments about his grandfather serving in World War II and having coincidental timing of the launch of “The Sniper” — thus saying, “snipers are cowards” & pointing fingers at slain sniper Chris Kyle.

How does this man have any allies?

But he thinks he’s pop-culture, and um, well he’s not.

*Image courtesy of memecrunch.com*

The Dress” As Jim Carrey states, “THE DRESS IS BLUE.” Or is it white and gold. Who cares?

There’s not much to this point, other than why do things like this become viral?

Where is the virality of the differentiation between whether the dress is blue & black or white & gold.

And Why Is Our Pop-Culture Crap?



Brandon Neilan

Strategic communications and marketing professional. Bylines formerly in foreign policy and NatSec publications. Member @MilWritersGuild.