Have you ever heard about BX?

Ines Haitzinger
The Branx
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2019

In a more digitalized and globalized world, people are exposed to millions of different impressions a day. Where does your brand stand in this mass of information? What is it that they say about you? Why would they purchase your product?

Brand Experience describes the emotions, sensations, and feelings your user has towards your brand as a whole by the way he/she experiences it on different touchpoints and is therefore crucial for your company’s success.

Yes, it’s about EMOTIONS.

Yes, it’s about EXPERIENCES.

Yes, it’s about GETTING IN TOUCH with your USERS.

Emotions are the reason why people buy your product and later on they justify it with logic. Experience is the trigger that causes that emotion. Touchpoints are the places where your user experiences these emotions.

How is BX different from UX and CX?

You know about UX (User Experience) and probably have also heard about CX (Customer Experience). Whereas User Experience is focusing on an ideal and experiential navigational flow of your digital product, Customer Experience includes any interaction a person has with your company. This could also be an experience about how they felt with you after an unsuccessful job interview.

In the case of UX, we think that having a great product with superb user experience is essential and definitely influencing the way users perceive your product. However, there are some more variables that should be added in order to establish further trust with your target audience. In the case of CX, there are many uncontrollable factors that influence the feelings towards your brand and makes them either difficult or expensive to handle, especially when you are at the beginning of your venture.

That’s why we believe in creating unexpected Brand Experiences, that go beyond UX and are influenced by other available resources and capabilities, such as great design, innovative ways of communication, and micro-interactions.

Our definition and elements of BX

“Brand Experience is a holistic approach to creating unique value, loyalty, and trust. It’s about your users’ emotions and attitudes towards your brand as a whole before, while and after interacting with it at different touchpoints. In our opinion, it’s the combination of Strategy, Marketing, and Design, together with User Research, UX/UI, and Communication.”

BX is the orchestration of all those elements to create unique value for your users and to turn brand awareness into brand loyalty. This is only possible if you go away from thinking in silos and fostering close collaborating among all functions. The better you and your team understand and empathize with your users, the better the outcome. Strategize, set up a great Marketing & Communication plan, surprise your users with a relevant and well-designed product and make them part of the interaction.

Did you already integrate BX into your Business? Let’s get in touch. The Branx is looking forward to help.

