How I became a startup branding addict

Jesus Coto
The Branx
Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2021

On my first day at the Technology University, I never thought I would end up talking about startup branding and strategic design…

During my computer science studies, I found a job as a designer in a Newspaper — that was incredibly fun, I had no idea about all this old-style process for press and how the communication between journalists and designers worked… But I loved it so much that I changed my mind and never went back to the Technology University, despite my love for computers. Instead, I signed up for a degree at the Art School.

Eventually, I finished my studies, became self-employed and, started designing book covers for a publishing house in Barcelona.

Some of the book covers I designed at age 19, some of them are bestsellers, some of them aren't… 😇

In 2008, I decided it was time for me to learn from others and work in a team. I moved to Madrid and started to send my CV and portfolio to studios and agencies. I admit it, I struggled, Madrid was a big city and there were many great designers. I was hungry for work, so I tried a more strategic approach when updating my CV, keeping in mind that hiring people probably received 100s of applications every day. So I narrowed down my CV without compromising the style. It worked, my new CV got immediate attention and secured me a designer position in an advertising agency.

Using storytelling to present a letter of motivation, experience and, skills on one page

Working at this agency gave me the opportunity to work with big brands like Schweppes, E.ON, or Sketchers, meet exceptional colleagues and everything seemed perfect. Nevertheless, it was not too long after I realized something was not right.

The traditional advertising agency model felt like a production unit working in a factory, delivering creative artworks at the end of the day.

Sometime after, left the job at the advertising agency, sold my car, all other things I didn’t need, and moved to Vienna. So, what’s the plan now? None. I wanted to try new things and let things happen without forcing them… That’s how I ended up in a tiny startup in the heart of Vienna through a girl I met at a house party.

Some branding visuals for Schweppes and Sketchers during my time in the advertising agency.

I joined TourRadar in 2013 when the company was only one table and the five of us sitting around it in a coworking space. Such a great time.

It was here when I really got to know how startups work. I was the only designer when I joined the team and by the time I left, I was Head of Brand and Design, leading a multidisciplinary team.

Slides from a presentation called “Design vision 2017”

This new role put me up to face interesting design and brand challenges. The company grew from 5 to over 200 people.

We are talking about one of the biggest online marketplaces in Europe handling hundreds of high-value transactions every day, and the most important touchpoint was their website, which my team and I were designing. Therefore, we had to consider carefully, the type of content, the branding, the flow, the colors… as we could easily screw up the performance by committing one little mistake. High expectations were set, so the only answer and only way to undertake this challenge was Strategic design.

Strategic design is a holistic process that delivers long-lasting, scalable value to an organization and utility and emotional connection to its customers, through converging disciplines and co-creation involving diverse points of view.

Read Lee Anderson's definition of Strategic design.

When the company and its brand were big enough to fly on their own, I pivoted my life again and I was up for a new brand and new challenges and went on an explorational 6-month trip to South America, you can read my findings here.

It was on that trip, in the middle of Chile when I figured out that my real vocation was helping startups with their branding

This is how I could really make an impact and put into practice all the learnings I gathered from working with this fast-growing startup, together with the experience I got from the publishing house, working in the newspaper, and designing multinational brands.

The Branx founding team in 2019

So in 2019, together with my 3 co-founders, we founded The Branx, a boutique branding studio for startups. Ever since we have been collaborating with a variety of startups all over Europe — and recently also the US — creating their brands from scratch or revamping their current ones. No matter if the startup is still super-early stage or already a scale-up, we make ideas happen and turn them into market-ready ventures.

If you are looking for a startup branding agency check out The Branx. We are committed to becoming the best branding company for startups.



Jesus Coto
The Branx

Strategic Designer / Running a Startup Branding Studio from the oldest city in Europe @TheBranx