Where AI meets Branding: The Branx’s design blueprint for tech startups

Jesus Coto
The Branx
Published in
4 min readAug 28, 2023
The Branx office reimagined with Midjourney using the prompt: /imagine The Branx office in 50 years from now, a future full of AI

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and creativity, there’s one revolution that’s been particularly transformational: Artificial Intelligence. As the co-founder of The Branx, the tech-startup branding agency that’s created unique identities for over 70 startups in the past 4 years, I’ve seen firsthand the benefits and challenges AI brings to the creative realm.

AI: A tool, not the artist

First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand our vision for AI. AI is a groundbreaking tool that helps us streamline processes and make tasks more efficient, but it’s merely that — a tool. Branding, in its core, is about being original, and authentic, with a strong human element in it. And this very essence of human uniqueness is something AI alone can’t recreate.

However, that’s not to say AI doesn’t have a role to play.

The Branx embracing AI

We at The Branx were swift to welcome AI into our workflow. For instance, our /ai slack slash command. Accessible to every team member, this AI tool streamlines tasks and ensures we’re always updated.

Make.com / Integromat scenario which connects Chat GPT with Asana and Slack to answer project and task-related questions.
Manually crafted scenario done in make.com which connects Chat GPT with Asana and Slack to answer project and task-related questions.

Connected to our project management platform, Asana, it offers insights at the tip of our fingers — from project status to upcoming tasks. It’s like having a digital colleague, always ready to help.

Internal Slack bot gathering information from an Asana Project, processing it via Chat GPT
Internal Slack bot gathering information from an Asana Project, processing it via Chat GPT and delivering it to a team member right into the project channel.

Aligning with our mission to craft exceptional brand identities for tech startups, we introduced Branx AI. This brand strategy AI tool helps direct tech startup brands in the right direction.

Image of the Brand House of The Branx created generated using branx.ai
The Branx’s brand house, generated by branx.ai

Users answer a few questions about their tech startup, and Branx.ai furnishes them with a solid brand strategy framework. With key elements including the brand house and elevator pitch or fine-tuning nuances, our AI tool ensures startups commence their branding journey with confidence.

Looking Ahead: The Future of AI in Branding

While we’re excited about the leaps AI promises, I want to reiterate that The Branx’s heartbeat will always be human creativity. AI can analyze data, spot trends, and even generate content. But the soul of a brand? That raw, emotional connection? That remains a distinctly human effort.

AI is a remarkable tool in our arsenal, but it will always be guided by the human hand. With AI’s assistance, we aim to refine our approach, increase efficiency, and explore new creative ideas. But at the end of the day, it’s the unique stories, the human touch, and our commitment to authentic branding that defines us at The Branx.

By the way, here’s the original prompt I used to create this article, shared in raw with its imperfections that make me, me, and hopefully this article authentic:

Help me create a medium article where I, Jesus Coto explain our vision on AI and its impact on the creative field, as Co-founder of The Branx, the tech-startup branding agency who has helped create distinctive brands for more than 70 startups in the past 4 years.

My vision is that AI is a groundbreaking technology that supports The Branx vision; having a good branding is no other thing than being unique, unexpected, yourself, and that’s something that AI can’t do without humans behind it. Branding is intrinsic to humanity, as humans are “imperfect”, therefore different, and different is what makes a person a person, and a brand a brand.

Nevertheless, we at The Branx have adopted AI initiatives very early. Some examples are an /ai slack slash command available to all employees of The Branx that assist them in any tasks they might have, this /ai command bot is also connected with our project management platform, Asana, which helps us understand the status of the projects or upcoming tasks (/ai what’s the status of this project? /ai what are some upcoming tasks assigned to me?).

At the same time, and supporting The Branx mission of providing great branding experiences for tech startups with great tech that makes humanity a better, more sustainable, more solution-oriented world we have created Branx.ai (from branx.ai web: a Brand strategy AI tool for tech startups. Whether you’re starting a new venture or you’re rolling out a rebrand, our brand strategy tool helps you master the first steps towards a cohesive and memorable brand identity) which after answering a few questions about your startup, it provides you with a framework with essentials for your brand strategy; a brand house, tone of voice, elevator pitch.

Make the point that Jesus and The Branx, will continue elaborating internal and external initiatives with AI with the only purpose of making unique brandings for startups, more unique if possible.

Note that we reviewed the article and rephrased some parts. To make the style fit our brand identity, we condensed the content and replaced adjectives and verbs to align better with our tone of voice.

Written by Jesus Coto
Edited by Tamara Hofer
Assisted by Chat GPT



Jesus Coto
The Branx

Strategic Designer / Running a Startup Branding Studio from the oldest city in Europe @TheBranx