5 Must-Have Tools That Will Take Your Writing To The Next Level

Increase the Reach (and earning potential) of Your Articles

Anna Klawitter
The Brave Writer


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.

James Clear

Writing isn't easy. There are distractions and creative blocks but building a system can help you to create content on demand. Your system is the foundation that makes it easier for you to find your rhythm as soon as you sit down to write.

Once you build a system, you can become prolific.

I’m sharing below the eight apps and tools I use, and how to use them to shape a system that makes it easier to write. These tools are helping me become a better writer. And I believe that every writer needs these (or a version of them) in your toolkit.

1. Freedom with writing

Screenshot created by the author

Freedom with writing is a website that offers alternative sources of income for those who want to continue their life as a writer. After signing up for the site’s email newsletter, pitching sites from various topics are delivered by email. Freedom with…



Anna Klawitter
The Brave Writer

Writing style? No one cares. Write so they choose to.