7 Tips To Slash An Hour Off Your Writing Process

Speed up your writing with these shortcuts

Antonio Rengel
The Brave Writer


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Writing is a tough business. Whether you’re a novice blogger or an esteemed bestseller, the journey from blank page to published work can feel like a slog.

While no single system will eliminate all writing woes, there are ways writers can speed up their process without sacrificing the quality of their work.

Below are seven tips to write faster. Each provides specific tactical advice you can apply at different points in the writing process.

Some of these suggestions may be familiar, others novel, but I feel confident you can use at least one to slash an hour off of your writing time.

Tip 1: Separate Writing & Editing

Writing and editing are different activities and should be treated as such.

This is not a matter of semantics. The writing and editing processes have distinct goals and you should approach each with a different frame of mind.

Writing focuses on the big picture. When you sit down to write your goal should be to capture and organize the core ideas of your piece. Minor typos, misspellings, or grammar errors do not concern you.



Antonio Rengel
The Brave Writer

Educator and Copywriter Who Writes About Creativity, Marketing, Pop Culture, And Occasionally Mindfulness Meditation