A Different Way to Think About Clichés in Your Writing

Turn your clichés into something fresh and powerful

Gregory D. Welch
The Brave Writer


Photo by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash

What if you did something really unique with what you’re writing? What if you stopped resisting clichés and decided to take them to the next level instead? What would happen if you flipped them on their head and made something fresh out of them?

Give your clichés new life, new purpose, a new meaning.

What’s worse than being on a roll, really hammering out some solid lines and thinking to yourself, dang, this isn’t half bad? Then you hit a wall, and what’s worse, all the ideas that keep coming to you are tired and worn out sayings you’ve heard a dozen times before.

I know I’ve been there before, which is what gave me the idea to sit down and write about it. I struggle with them myself, and they can be sneaky things, creeping into even our best work. We’re talking about clichés in this article, and a few tips and ideas about how best to handle them.

I didn’t want the same advice I had always heard before when I started reading up on clichés (that would be too ironic).

I wanted more, I wanted to better understand what exactly makes something a cliché, but also, how to use them to write better poetry and other creative works of nonfiction. I…



Gregory D. Welch
The Brave Writer

When he isn't crafting fiction, Gregory turns to poetry, finding different ways to capture the strangeness and beauty of existence.