A Note to New Freelancers From a Fellow Noob

This journey may be an emotional roller coaster, but you’re not alone

Teena Merlan
The Brave Writer
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2020


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

I’m new at this freelancing thing, and in an effort to prepare, I’ve read what feels like every variation of the freelancer story. Freelance writers who have “made it” — the blood, sweat, tears, and sacrifice that got them where they are today; bloggers who made $10,000 in one month from one post and how they accomplished that; even freelancers who went back to their 9-to-5s.

My story is that I’ve been writing since I learned how, but I’ve only acknowledged within the last couple of years how I truly feel about it, how it’s been calling me — and how I’ve been ignoring it. So a few months ago, I decided to honor the voice in my head that’s been hollering for decades to just write. Keep writing. Don’t worry about the outcome. Don’t stop because you have to adult. Don’t stop because Dad said you can’t make a living doing it. Just keep writing.

So I set an intention to write more. I set an intention to honor myself and honor my gifts. And then I went for it. I signed up for an account on Medium and read a bunch, then I started posting some writing of my own… with a mix of feelings. Trepidation. Excitement. Pride. Anxiety.



Teena Merlan
The Brave Writer

Expert in my lived experience. Truth teller. Self-changer. Lifelong learner. Explorer.