Damn, It Sucks to Be You When You Aren’t Creative

It sucks even more that you can’t schedule creativity

Jessie van Breugel
The Brave Writer


Photo by USGS on Unsplash

A moment every writer knows — you’re fired up to craft a masterpiece, but your fingers currently don’t speak the same language as your brains.

You think you have this idea, but the moment you start banging on the keyboard, it’s gone. So far your million dollar idea.

It sucks when there’s no creativity flying around.

I don’t get it — some days a blank page allows you to come with a masterpiece within 44 minutes. Other days, you spend a decent amount carefully reading your notes and resources — crickets, nothing happens.

To be brutally honest, those days it definitely doesn’t help me to see other writers putting out 10,000+ words a day. That hurts to see. I know I’m capable of writing a similar amount of words per day. The only problem? I don’t know anyone that wants to read that kind of garbage.

Decipher what’s controllable and what’s not

The toughest battle of a writer is not to sit down to write. It’s connecting the dots. Connecting interesting ideas and blending them together with personal elements. Curating what’s important to share and which parts to leave out.



Jessie van Breugel
The Brave Writer

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