Dear New Writers, Why Aren’t You Earning Money From Your Writing?

Matthew Prince
The Brave Writer
Published in
6 min readJan 22, 2021


Photo by Chris Spiegl on Unsplash

The only time I write for “fun” is when I write in my diary; Journaling, setting goals, or making my to-do list. Other times, I am writing to make money. I do not write a thousand-word essay or a 3000-word short story just because I want to twiddle my thumb. I know more fun ways to spend my leisure, and I like to think it is so for most people. And I must say, I love to write.

I also know that some people genuinely enjoy writing to clear their heads or enhance their creativity with no intention of ever making a living from writing. Of course, these are not writers. They are people who just write -I am sure you get the gist :-). When you introduce yourself as a writer, I expect that your work is out there talking to someone, and possibly bringing some bucks to your bank account.

I see many writers who haven’t accepted the ugly side of the craft (rejection) but hide under the sophistry of not caring whether they make money from writing. Contrary to popular opinion, I do not think anyone will have the motivation to keep writing if their work isn’t been read or making money for them. I believe money motivates.

Whenever I meet a writer or anyone who likes to address him or herself as a writer, the first question I ask, after pleasantry, is, “Do you make money off your work?” Sometimes, I…



Matthew Prince
The Brave Writer

I am a writer who is trying to understand the world. I write on philosophy, psychology, social justice, and everything else. For more info: