Developing a Reading Routine as a Writer

Making time to read is just as important as making time to write

J. S. Wong
The Brave Writer


Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

You probably decided to be a writer because you loved escaping into the world of books and wanted to pen your own stories. As you’ve heard countless times before, you need to read if you want to write. No excuses. Being a writer means dedicating time to read as you would with writing.

Read what you want to write (and more)

You need to be a consumer of the content you want to create. Read the types of books you enjoy and the stories that get you most excited to write. Become familiar with the landscape of your genre, learn what’s been done, and reflect on what works and what doesn’t. While it makes sense to focus on your genre, it’s useful to read a variety of books to hear different perspectives. If you write fiction, a memoir might offer you insights in developing more intimacy with your characters. If you only read novels, short stories could show you how to incorporate more brevity to avoid those sagging middles. Overall, reading outside of our comfort zones is important so we can diversify our knowledge, and possibly stumble upon unexpected inspiration.

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J. S. Wong
The Brave Writer

Top Writer (x3) in Reading, Books, and Fiction. Follow me if you like to read articles on writing, books, and reading!