Don’t Hold Back Your Creativity

Six unconventional ways to boost creativity.

Fabio Floyesa
The Brave Writer


The biggest struggle a writer can face is having the time to write, wanting to write, but not having any inspiration or creative drive. However, creativity is needed far beyond writing. You need it in any kind of artistic activity, but also daily life.

We sometimes come across blessed individuals who have natural creativity. And some people might even think creativity is inborn. This couldn’t be farther away from the truth.

Creativity is a kind of mindset and lifestyle that everyone can adopt and master.

I want to share six unconventional methods that help boost creativity drastically.

1. Using the subconscious mind

Salvador Dali had a very interesting approach to generate ideas for his art. He would lie down on a couch with a spoon in his hand. As soon as he would fall asleep, the spoon would drop on the ground and he would be immediately awoken. He grabbed his sketchbook and drew. But why did he do this?

Salvador Dali tried to use his subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is a powerful tool to become creative. But we have to learn not to oppress it and to purposefully engage our subconscious mind to yield the best results.



Fabio Floyesa
The Brave Writer

Rhizomatic Stratoanalyst. Daily essays. Aspiring bull fighter