Don’t Sustain Your Lack of Action With Newer Prettier Ideas

Work on one idea, don’t think about a million

Scott Leonardi
True Scuba


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Don’t get me wrong, new ideas are the bread and butter of creative folk as well as the world at large, but you can’t continually sustain yourself on new ideas that don’t offer you any real-world change.

Too many ideas not backed up by action can be dangerous. They become baseless and tinted with the darker shade of the romantic.

I’ve always had a problem with romanticizing. I inflate ideas, people, jobs, emotions, you name it. It’s not that I don’t know what I’m doing, I just can’t help but do it, regardless. I never take any of the things I romanticize that seriously because I know this about myself, so things usually even out after a healthy dose of realism.

After a few years getting my feet to tiptoe the ground and my head now only crowning the clouds instead of being engulfed in them, it’s been a hell of a lot easier to see things realistically instead of sustaining myself on the fantasies that follow the phrase, “We should totally…” without ever actually following through on that thing we should totally do.

I’ve noticed, however, a pattern of behavior that seems to be peaking its way back into my daily programming. It’s the same sort of future-projecting that…



Scott Leonardi
True Scuba

Paddling into the alphabet ocean, lookin’ to be a true scuba. Writer of stories, screenplays, poetry and more. All found at