10 Steps to Understand and Overcome Fear-Based Procrastination

How to Tackle and Conquer What’s Holding You Back From Realizing Your Full Potential

The Brave Writer


Someone standing on a glas ceiling looking down on their feet and the city beneath them from an ego perspective.
Photo by Tim Trad on Unsplash

I always dreamed of becoming a freelancer and earn my money through writing and consulting. But for the longest time, I didn’t, because I was busy procrastinating. Wait, what?

I have always been a doer, particular driven and reasonable successful in my company jobs. I was a self-sufficient unstoppable engine. My colleagues knew they could rely on me to take on responsibility and make things happen.

So, when I started thinking about quitting my job to go freelance, I knew it would be hard, but I thought I got this. Little did I know, I was way too hasty.

I got excited, had a plan of what, when and how to do it. I got even more organized, optimized my morning routine, rigorously planned out my priorities and goals. Long story short: I did everything well-known entrepreneurs and even productivity and better habit experts like James Clear, the author of the New York Times best-seller Atomic Habits, advise you to do.

