Five Perfect Sentences Carefully Curated

When you find a jewel of a sentence, you have to stop to fully appreciate it

Mary DeVries
The Brave Writer


Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash

As a writer and a reader, I can’t help stopping to appreciate a perfect sentence when I run across one in the wild. A perfect prose sentence is like poetry. Every word is carefully chosen and precisely placed to create an effective whole that far surpasses the sum of its parts.

There I am, cruising along as a reader, gobbling up the information and/or entertainment on offer when a tasty morsel arrives and I stop, fork posed mid-air halfway back down to my plate, to fully appreciate the complex flavors of what just hit me.

I want to be a writer who can hit that kind of homerun sentence at least a couple of times a season.

So I’ve started collecting them.

Like any serious collector, I like to take my treasures out to admire them, appreciate them, show them off to my friends, and explain why they belong in my collection.

So here for your reading pleasure and edification is a small sampling of perfect sentences I have collected over the past few weeks.

Pride of place goes to the following from LEVEL Editors:

Fuck the “chicken sandwich wars” — while Chick-fil-A and Popeyes were…



Mary DeVries
The Brave Writer

The older I get, the less I know. That won’t stop me from writing about everything and anything under the sun. Join me in delighting and despairing about life.