Half of My Articles Will Never Get Published

At least, not any time soon.

Chris Wojcik
The Brave Writer


Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

Ever since I watched Ayodeji Awosika’s YouTube video a few weeks ago on how to become a more prolific writer, I’ve been trying my best to become a writing machine.

I’m trying to write at least 6–7 articles per week, usually more, along with balancing my martial arts training, teaching, and freelance work.

Call me delusional, but I’ve got it in my head that with the right blend of quality and quantity, anyone can succeed as a writer. I’m on a mission to prove that and so far, it feels like I’m on to something.

Last month, I had my best month yet on Medium, and I made a couple of thousand bucks freelancing, and I’m still a writing baby. I’m hundreds of followers away from 1000 on here. Largely, this is still my hobby. My relative success is no doubt in part due to sheer dumb luck, but I like to think that my calculated approach has also contributed greatly to my growth.

I’ve said it before: “Quality vs Quantity” is a dumb argument. It takes both to be successful in writing. These are the strategies I’m using to balance quality and quantity along with more than doubling my work output.

Headline Dumping

