How Procrastination Makes You a Better Writer

Multiple studies show that active procrastination boosts your productivity by 40%

Anirban Kar
The Brave Writer


Being a writer is easier said than done. You have to come up with new topics, delivering something moving and meaningful. Besides, you have to keep it engaging and enticing also. Now add the constant demand to keep up with the deadline and stay on board with the editor’s feedback, and you get a world of pain a writer needs to go through every day.

Above all, there is you!

Or should I say, the voice in your head!

It keeps telling you that the last piece you wrote was a piece of junk — all of your past works were. And even if some of it made a mark — you can’t possibly do it again.

It keeps you anxious and hustling for relevance. As a result, you deny yourself any room for thinking about your path without stressing about it. And you end up repeating the same mistakes again and again until you reach the rabbit hole of burnout.

Now, what if I tell you that there is a way out?

As the title suggests, I am talking about procrastination.



Anirban Kar
The Brave Writer

Indian blogger. Words in Mind Cafe, Start Up, & Better Humans. Support me by getting a Membership here: