How to Become a Confident Writer

Don’t under-estimate your capabilities.

The Brave Writer
4 min readAug 5, 2020


Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

If you put the work into your writing, whether it be for school, work, or leisure, confidence is a vital component. If a piece is written with a timid voice, it will often sound weak to the reader. One of the most important keys to effectively communicating through writing is confidence.

My college English professor once criticized an essay question test I submitted with the following comment:

“If you ‘think’ that this author is trying to communicate something, then state it with confidence. Obviously, you believe this or you would not be writing it on paper. If you believe something, then stand behind it and make that belief clear in your writing. Do not justify your opinions by buttering up before answering the question.”

After he walked away, I looked at the red marks on my written test answers. A majority of my questions began with, “Personally, I think that..” or “In my inexperienced opinion..” I lost points because of the tone I spoke in, not the answers themselves.

Confidence is important in various aspects of life, but in the writing world especially. If you are not confident about what you are stating, then why state it? Content that is written with low confidence, will provoke the reader to lose trust in the material.

You don’t have to be a well-known writer to write confidently

A writer does not need to have well-established audience before they begin writing with confidence. Readers are attracted to good writing. Since confidence is crucial to good writing, this usually must come before popularity.

No one can learn everything. There is no need to know everything to be a confident writer.

My first essay (following the essay test) for the professor I mentioned above, was written with his criticism in my mind. His comments were more positive, and I received a higher grade. Why? Because I had done my research on the topic and showed more confidence than I had on previous classwork.

This is not to say that confidence is the only element needed in writing. There are a lot of other factors that play an important role. Confidence is, however, a fundamental aspect. Without confidence, the other writing elements have less power in communicating an idea to the reader.

How does one write confidently?

Say what is meant, and mean what is said.

Of course, it is a little more complicated than this. Confidence does not come magically, it is something that must be developed over time. Let’s take a look at a few pointers.

Research the topic and get the facts for credibility

If you have experience and/or knowledge in the topic, writing confidently becomes much easier.

Writing differs from speaking. But when a confident person speaks they don’t say, “I don’t really know what I am talking about, but I think this plan has the potential to be dangerous.” If someone said this, they would lose the respect of their listener before they even make their point. When you are unsure of something, research it.

If you don’t know what you are talking about when it comes to a certain topic, take the time to research and get the facts. There is so much knowledge available to you at the touch of your fingertips. Use this to your advantage. It is important to credit the research source and avoid plagiarism, of course

Don’t write something that you don’t believe in

It is crucial to own what you are saying. What does this mean? Don’t say something that you aren’t willing to stand behind.

For example, let’s say that you believe American society should have more gun rights, but you write from a pro-gun control perspective because it is more popular. Your writing will not be authentic, and the reader will pick up on this. Don’t produce work that you aren’t willing to morally stand behind.

Read more to improving your writing skills

Some of the best writers are also some of the best readers. They spend time reading books, articles, and media. Not all writers read, but the good ones do. One key to becoming more confident as a writer is to dedicate more time to reading. Reading is a good way for a writer to improve their language and their ability to write.

“There is a certain rhythm in writing, just as there is a certain rhythm in speaking. It cannot be taught, and I suspect that is where the ‘talent’ lies.” — Tessa Schlesinger


Finally, the key to becoming a better, more confident writer is to write. For those of us learning to become better writers, writing (and reading) consistently is the best teacher.

Writing on a regular basis does not mean that you need to publish a new article every single day. But it does mean constructing thoughts and ideas on a regular basis.

Some days, writing exercises could include writing an article. On other days, they might just include jotting ideas down in a journal. The important takeaway is to create goals and stick to them. Writing for 5 minutes a day is better than not writing at all.


When you sit down to write, consider the value of a confident voice in your work. Readers want your authenticity. To summarize, here are the four key points to confident writing:

  1. Research the facts, use sources for credibility.
  2. Be authentic with your writing and don’t state something that you don’t mean.
  3. Read to become a better writer.
  4. Write consistently, and with a purpose.

As humans, we are all going to make mistakes. Expressing confidence in your writing does not mean that you won’t make mistakes. Like everyone, you probably will. However, becoming a confident writer will allow you to grow as a writer despite inevitable mistakes.

