How to Brainstorm an Idea and Create the Backbone of a Successful Article

Focus on developing the value, then worry about the little details later.

The Brave Writer
3 min readDec 29, 2020


Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash

Good articles generally have a well thought out structure. For the reader to be engaged in the material, the various points need to tie back to the main idea. The process of brainstorming can be difficult, but it is doable.

When you start with the rough draft, it can get messy and there will be large changes. And the biggest problem with starting with a draft is that it will generate more work for you by adding more time to the editing process.

Brainstorming does not have to be painful. It can be the most rewarding part of writing an article because there are no limits on your creativity. Once you get comfortable dumping your thoughts on to paper, it is impossible to stop.

There are a few different phases of the brainstorming process. Let’s get into each of these.

Identify the purpose of the article

To most people reading, this step might seem blatantly obvious. However, there are a lot of people that don’t think the idea through before writing the article. Without a central idea, the article is difficult for the reader to follow.

When you have an idea, stop and determine what it is that you want the reader to take away. To do this, you can put yourself in the reader’s shoes. Would the idea be valuable to you as a reader? If not, you may want to make some tweaks.

There needs to be a solid purpose or theme to each article. The purpose can later be broken into sections. After you have established the purpose of the article, you can then begin to fully get into the brainstorming process.

Create a diagram of the main points

Once you have a solid idea, you can begin to add more details. An effective way to add to the idea is to create a visual layout of the article. Take digital notes, or even on a physical piece of paper. Jot down the main idea, and add the sub-ideas.

Many writers use the webbing technique of drawing bubbles and connecting the main idea to the various parts of the article. Try a few different methods, and use the one that works best for your writing.

When you give yourself a visual of the article’s purpose, it becomes much easier to add new ideas. And of course, allows you to logically relate these ideas to the central idea. At this point, there may be some required research. You can add your findings and sources to the visual map.

Ensure that each key point is relevant to the main idea

Once you have established the key points, it is crucial to make sure these tie back to the main idea. Here, you may find that there are things you will need to add. There may also be sections that will need to be removed since they are not relevant to the main purpose of the article.

In this phase, you have to be critical of your own work. Try to have a proactive mentality, and avoid kicking yourself. There are plenty more opportunities to edit the piece later, just focus on the backbone of your work.

Make notes as additional ideas come along

When random thoughts pop up, jot notes down to ensure that they are included in the draft of the article. You will likely forget these ideas if you don’t write them down immediately.

Draft the article

When you feel your idea is solid, prepare your rough draft. It will never be absolutely perfect. Using the visual map, and the notes, jot everything down into a rough draft.

By investing time in the beginning in developing your article’s purpose, your rough draft will be well-rounded. The editing process will be less daunting since you have thoroughly thought out the structure.

Wrapping up

Finding a brainstorming process that works for you is essential for developing yourself as a writer. No two writers have the same brainstorming process. Two writers could write about the same topic, but each offers a different perspective. Identify what works best for you, and stick with it.

When it comes to creative writing, there are no wrong answers.

