How to Build Your Writer’s Portfolio on Google Sites for Free

An addition to your marketing arsenal

Manas Bhardwaj
The Brave Writer


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

It’s not the best content that wins. It’s the best promoted content that wins.” — Andy Crestodina

Why bother to create a portfolio?

Would you go for a job interview without a Curriculum vitae? If yes, then you don’t need to build one and can jump back from this article.

But If you are smart, professional, and want to increase the chances of getting hired, then you need a robust CV to convince them.

A portfolio is nothing less than that. A place where you display who you are and showcase your best work on the Internet.

Benefits of creating a free portfolio:

  • Increase the reach and introduce your work to new audiences.
  • Keeps your online presence managed
  • Helps you earn clients for your skill
  • You host it on Google. Trustworthy and dependable

If you need an example to look for — here’s mine

How to craft a free portfolio on Google sites

