How to Create a Fun Web Series When You’re in a Pandemic

You don’t need to be with each other to create something amazing

Zach Klebaner
The Brave Writer


Image Courtesy Of Sarah Terpning

When the pandemic struck, all my plans fell apart. My budding YouTube channel had ended as it got started. My date with a beautiful Bumblebee had been postponed. And I lost my job as a teaching artist which meant that I had to move back in with my family unexpectedly.

I allowed all this to turn me into a moper. A moper doesn’t see light or joy in anything. They whine and whine, refusing to create traction even when opportunities abound. It sucks to be a moper. And if you’re anything like me, you’re a moper even when there’s not a pandemic.

Yet, the truth is that it is amazing to be alive. Being able to read this means that amazing opportunities are awaiting your discovery. And soon, you’re going to get bored of all the moping.

That’s what happened to me. I got bored.

Yes, being socially distant is strange and difficult, but it shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your dreams.

You can use this time as inspiration

You can use the amazing technologies of our time to come together and relay your vision.

