How to Get Your First Article Published as an Online Writer

2 traits that will make your article stand-out in a sea of submissions.

Thom Gallet
The Brave Writer


When I went from casually blogging to consistently writing online, the biggest hurdle in front of me was getting published.

One year later I have permanently conquered my fear of submitting, and now, my articles are published on a weekly basis. It feels awesome to have this confidence, but it was a long trek to get here, and it all started with getting over that first hurdle.

So if you’re struggling right now in the online writing game, I want you to understand getting published is totally within your reach. You’re not a bad writer; you just need a quick reminder of what’s important.

The main reason you’re getting rejected right now is that your articles are probably missing two things: simplicity and (or) originality. That’s it.

Sure, you have to worry about other things, like proper formatting and grammar; but I’m going to assume you’re smart enough to have those figured out. In this article don’t expect me to waste three paragraphs explaining the importance of proper spelling. This isn’t grad school.

Instead, let me break down simplicity and originality, and how you can effectively apply it to…



Thom Gallet
The Brave Writer

Writing optimistic unsolicited advice and opinions.