How to Liberate Yourself With a Creative Courage Bucket List

And why I wrote this article without looking at the screen

Phoenix Huber
The Brave Writer


Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

My worst fear is that I’ll die without shedding my light. I yearn to have helped others enough. Still, we all like to have fun too! I’m terrified of letting my life grow stale.

Writing is where my fun-loving and my desire to help intersect. Since I started crafting articles in April, I’ve broadened my comfort zone as a writer. I keep revealing more truths about myself in hopes of triggering growth in others. Because that’s what all of my favorite writers do.

Gosh, now the whole internet knows I’m a politically conflicted, formerly car-dwelling transgender girl who uses an “ASMR boyfriend” to keep myself company. The hilariously embarrassing moments I’ve shared go beyond what labels can encapsulate.

But the point is: I feel freer than I ever have.

And I want more.

Creative liberation is to be found not in what we’ve already surpassed, but in the next hurdle that awaits us 15 yards ahead. Ready to run for it?

My creativity has a mind of its own, and I’m trying to listen



Phoenix Huber
The Brave Writer

Trans girl. Beyond-human ally. I unite with members of my species for all sentient beings. Free hug: uberpath@gmail. Feed me: