How to Make Your Writing Stand Out

3 things to do if you want your writing to stand out in the crowd.

N. K. Carlson
The Brave Writer


Every writer wants as many eyes as possible on their published work. This leads to more money, more followers, and more influence. But how do you do it? There are thousands of writers out there writing books and blogs. How do you make your writing stand out? Here are three things to focus on.

Write a strong headline

“You can’t judge a book by its cover.” We’ve all heard this a million times before. Unfortunately, when you are a writer, your book is always judged by its cover.

If you are a blogger, your writing will be judged by the quality of your headline. Readers will look at your headline for approximately half a second and then decide whether or not to click on it. Your first impression is the only impression you get to make. You need to make it count.

If you are reading this, then my title was good enough to get your click. Hooray!

But what if I had called it “3 Writing Tips”? While it would have been an accurate description of the content, it fails to move the needle emotionally. My headline tells the reader their problem and offers a solution.



N. K. Carlson
The Brave Writer

Author. I write about religion, creativity, and leadership. YA Fantasy trilogy is out now! Subscribe to my email list: