How to Unleash Creativity When You Feel Stuck & Uninspired

5 ways to unblock writer’s block

Sarah Musick
The Brave Writer


Photo by Paulette Wooten on Unsplash

“Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy.” ~ Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way

Ever find yourself staring hopelessly at a blank screen? Me too.

As a writer, I have a hard time admitting this. I mean, it’s my full-time job. I create content for a living. But the truth is, I sometimes struggle to come up with fresh, exciting ideas to write about. Some days the ideas and words just flow, and other days I can’t seem to fill a single page.

Can you relate?

A few months ago, I read an article written by a fellow writer. It was all about how he cranks out 20,000 words of fresh, publishable content every single day. I wanted to punch him in the face. OK, not really. But I did want to know his secret. How did he come up with all those interesting ideas to write about day after day?

So I went on a quest to find the answer. I spent hours and hours searching for top tips, how-tos, and expert strategies to unlock creativity and overcome writer’s block. And today, I’m sharing those tips and strategies with you.

If you’re a writer or content creator like me and sometimes struggle to get those creative juices flowing…

