Re-Evaluating My Idea of Success Compelled me to Write

Why I write, how I write, and what changed for me in 2020

Violet Daniels
The Brave Writer


Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels

George Orwell published Why I Write in 1946 and outlined his motivations for writing, and what he hoped to achieve. Most significantly, he aimed to make “political writing into an art” which he definitely achieved with the likes of 1984 and Animal Farm.

Every once in a while, as writers, we should take the time to reflect on our own writing ambitions, why we are here, and what we aim to achieve. The process can help us hone our goals and ambitions and give us a sense of direction.

As I approach my first six months of writing online and consistently, I decided to write my own writer’s manifesto. Obviously, it won’t be as good as Orwell’s, but I aim to write it to have something to look back on once another six months have passed.

One of my favourite things about writing is you always have a record to look back on. You can see where you have grown, improved, and developed — and what a magical thing that is.

Why Did I Start Writing?

Not to sound boastful — but I have always written in some capacity. Whether that was documenting what I did at school in a diary as a child, or writing more detailed journal entries as an…



Violet Daniels
The Brave Writer

Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚