8 Steps to Achieve Your Writing Goals

#4 List, prioritize and highlight

Maria Angel Ferrero
The Brave Writer


Photo by Jassir Jonis on Unsplash

Being a freelance writer is not always fun. Yes, you get to be your own boss and live from what you love. But you still depend on clients. Clients are kind of your boss. And you want them to be happy. And well, those clients have high expectations. That’s stressful.

The pandemic and global lockdown have had an enormous impact on the freelancing industry. Platforms such as Medium have gained, in the past months, thousands of new writers. While this is great for Medium and content consumers, this means more competition for writers and content creators.

Now if you are not a full-time writer, well chances are you are now more stressed than ever. Working from home and dealing with urgent and short deadlines create stress and anxiety. Our minds and bodies are trying to cope with this new uncertain situation, and like any life adjustment, it takes time to adapt and find again a rhythm. Writing can be your escape valve, but with everything that is going on, escaping can be difficult. It feels like there is no time to escape.

It’s difficult to focus and find inspiration among the chaos. Many of us (writers) might experience writers’ block — or any kind of creativity block. The consequence of burn-out and lack of organization.



Maria Angel Ferrero
The Brave Writer

Feminist, Writer, PhD, Researcher & Professor in Innovation & Entrepreneurship U. Montpellier, editor @thefacultypub and @thebravewritter blog: mariangelf.com