The Definitive Guide to Medium’s Quotation Feature

The blockquote vs. the pull quote — and how to use them properly.

K M Brown
The Brave Writer


Writers. We’re creative people. We’re our own bosses. No flimsy cubicle walls can hold our high-flying, freedom-loving spirits.

We set our own hours, follow our own passions, and write what we know. And while we generally agree that we should write every day, if for no other reason than to prime the pump, we’re not too keen on rules in general. You can’t tell us what to do.

And I like that about us. I think it’s admirable.


But when it comes to Medium’s quotation feature, our independence is getting in the way of clarity. If you’re a regular reader, you know exactly what I mean. There’s a jarring lack of consistency in writers’ use of the tool.

If you’re a regular writer, you’re probably thinking something like, “Make me. Just try and make me play by the rules. I’m an artist. Why don’t you go lecture ee cummings about capitalization, ya grammar Nazi you?”

Oh dear. I’m afraid we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot. Let me try again.

What I meant to say is that communication requires a shared language. If we can agree on the meaning of words and the use of punctuation and…



K M Brown
The Brave Writer

Retired psychotherapist who loves a good story. Author of From Fear to There: Becoming a Confident Traveler