The Unconventional Guide To Write 1000 Words In 1 Hour

Master the art of writing long articles in less time

Dipendra Neupane
The Brave Writer
5 min readJul 2, 2019


Image: Author’s Own

Does it feel like days of work to write a 1000 words article for you? Well in this post I will share my simple guide to writing long articles in less than an hour.

Many pro bloggers suggest writing long-form articles and indeed it is a great practice to rank your articles in search engines. Also when you write long articles you are answering all the potential queries a visitor may have regarding the topic.

But how do I actually write long blog posts quickly?

I am sure that this post will help you write articles for your blog or your clients in case you are a freelancer way faster than you have been writing before this.

Here is the exact guide I use to write 1000 words or more in less than an hour.

#1. Research well before you start writing

Many writers have a habit of writing and searching for related resources at the same time.

I recommend researching your topics before you start writing an article.

Research at the time of writing articles kills a lot of time and you can’t write in a flow.

If you want to write faster with the right facts and figures I would recommend noting down the important points in Evernote or Google Drive or even in your notebook. You can use these details at the time of writing articles so you don’t have to google the details when writing that part in your blog post.

Also if you are a blogger then I would recommend researching for the right keyword before you start writing your article and noting it down in Evernote.

#2. Break Your Blog Posts Into Subheadings

This is one of my best techniques for writing long-form articles in less time.

Breaking your article into subheadings not just helps you write an article that is easy to read but also helps the author to write articles faster.

My idea of writing a long article by breaking it into subheading is that, rather than writing 1000 words on a topic, break the topic into 5 sub-topics and now you can write 200 words on each sub-topic which is much easier and faster than the former case.

So whenever you are writing a long blog post or article, break your article into different subheadings that are relevant to the topic of your blog post.

You can also get the ideas for your subheadings from related keywords from keyword research tools or Google’s “People Also Ask for ”section.

When you know what subheadings to include in your article, list down all your subheadings first as shown in the image below.

Break your article into subheadings (Image: Author’s Own)

After you have listed all the subheadings for your blog post, go to the next step.

#3. Begin With The Subheading You Are Most Familiar With

I used to spend a lot of my time on how should I start my article. Then I realized if I cared about other parts of the article first and later come for the initiation, I can save a lot of my time.

For example, from the image above, suppose I am quite familiar with subheading #3, then I will write about subheading #3 first and later write on other topics which I am less familiar with.

To try this technique, start with the subheading that you are most familiar with first and gradually move to the subheadings that you are less acquainted with.

Image: Author’s Own

#4. Kill Distractions

I used to sit down to write articles for my blog but end up checking out Instagram feed or watching the new comedy video on YouTube.

If you want to finish your complete article in one sitting then I would recommend killing all these distractions. Disconnect your internet connection, be in a peaceful place, stop your grammar and spelling error-checking tools, and start writing.

Also, make sure to use the facts and figures as noted in step #1 to write an effective and SEO friendly article.

#5. Don’t Write and Edit At The Same Time

Most bloggers have a habit of writing and editing at the same time. This practice can slow down and can break your flow of writing.

Just write down everything that comes to your mind. If you want to change the words or sentences to make it sound better you can do that later.

You don’t have to write everything perfectly the first time. You can always edit your article and make it error-free and best for readers later.

It is the most common step as suggested by most content writers to write articles quickly and I believe the same to write long articles quickly.

#6. Challenge Yourself

If you love challenges and want to challenge yourself to write continuously, I am sure you will love this step.

This is the step I mostly use when I am trying free writing. It involves an online free app called The Most Dangerous Writing App.

With this app, you can set a timer and start writing. Once you start typing you will have to write nonstop else a pause of 5 seconds will erase every progress of yours.


Don’t be afraid, the editor will erase everything but you can still download your work as pdf or txt.

So if you want to challenge yourself to write continuously for some time, this can be the best choice for you.

To challenge yourself with The most dangerous writing app, go to their website and choose a session length for which you want to write nonstop. If you are trying this for the first time, I would recommend choosing a low session length and increase your time as you get used to it. After that click on the start writing option.

Next, a plain text editor will open and you can start writing. Don’t stop or you’ll lose your progress.

Final Thoughts:

I hope this simple guide will help bloggers and content writers to write 1000 words in an hour or in even less time.

This article may not help you write the perfect article in an hour but you can always edit later and make it perfect.

Don’t forget to share the tips and methods you use to write long articles quickly.

Also, don’t forget to share what strategy would you think will help you make a fast writer.

Originally published at on July 2, 2019.



Dipendra Neupane
The Brave Writer

Ambivert computer-engineering student who loves to write about free stuffs, marketing and writing. Also an aspiring web developer