‘The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living’ — Socrates

Socrates’s quote inspires writers to keep writing

Tania Miller
The Brave Writer


“The unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates said as he declared the essence of a good life. “The only good is knowledge”. With knowledge, a person could shape their own destiny and find true happiness.

During a time when the world was looking to the cosmos for understanding, Socrates looked inward to the human mind for the questions and answers to life. The way to wisdom was to be found through human dialogue.

Something in Socrates’s words and search for knowledge resonated with me as I thought about writing and the struggles we all face as writers.

I realized that the process itself is the true gift. Writing is the process of examining life.

Some days our words come out beautifully, other days not so much. But one thing remains no matter what happens — we are personally changed because we are actively learning, actively striving, and our minds are engaged and lit up as we struggle with our ideas and words through the writing process.

As writers, we’re exploring ideas that we’re passionate about, and experiences that will make an impact on other people and bring some sort of value into the world.



Tania Miller
The Brave Writer

Exploring the potential of our mind and how perception, awareness and the arts impact human experience. Orchestra conductor, performer, writer. taniamiller.com