This is Why You Shouldn’t Listen to People Who Tell You to Be Realistic

Aim for the best, but focus on your writing the most.

Itxy Lopez
The Brave Writer


Photo by Charles on Unsplash

About two weeks ago, I read an article that made me question if I wanted to keep writing because the possibility of success suddenly seemed impossible.

The article talked about all the forms of entertainment out there, the number of books published per year, and how many people want to be writers. It was overwhelming and intimidating.

Why me? I thought. What makes me so special? Why would I make it? Why would people read my work when there are already so many books, movies, podcasts, videos, blogs, and tv shows?

If everyone can create, what’s the point in adding to the mix? According to Hosting Tribunal, there are more than 500 million blogs in the world, including inactive blogs. They wrote, “Their authors account for over 2 million blog posts daily.”

Let that sink in for a moment.

The risk of ever becoming a successful writer seemed so daunting that, for a moment, I wondered if I should pursue an easier, less risky career path.

Thankfully, those doubts didn’t last very long because I remembered one thing that trumps fear, insecurity, and doubt every single time. This one thing…



Itxy Lopez
The Brave Writer

I’m a self-discovery writer: I write as I grow, make mistakes, and learn.