Try ‘Happy Goal Setting’ and I Promise You Will Smile (at Least a Little Bit)

Tips for writers on planning your best life

Dr Nicole Janz, Book Coach
The Brave Writer


Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

I am a perfectionist writer. I set out each monthly, weekly and daily writing goal in advance. But I’ve found that most of the time I’m not keeping to these goals. My immaculate lists remain untouched — until they haunt me in the middle of the night.

Then I realised: I have been doing goal setting all wrong. Every time I diligently sat down to plan my writing, the tasks spilled onto the page unfiltered. I listed things I wanted to do, blended them with stuff others wanted me to do, sprinkled in even more tasks that sounded necessary — blurring it all together to feel I’m a very busy and important person. My lists, as you can imagine, were long. Very, very long.

I got so caught up in the daily grind that I completely forgot to pause — and wonder why am I doing all these tasks? What are they leading me towards? And, why am I dreading my goal setting day as much as doing all these tasks?

Then I discovered the power of happy goal setting.

How does happy goal setting work?

Here are three inspirational thinkers who all — without explicitly saying it — point to the happy goal setting technique which…



Dr Nicole Janz, Book Coach
The Brave Writer

Helping non-fiction writers clarify their key message and publish their book.