Vocal Media, Newsbreak, and POPSUGAR, Which One is Better For You?

Many online blogging options are now available for writers

Saurabh Adhane
The Brave Writer


Photo by Ioan F on Unsplash

Making money by writing online is a privilege for many writers. If you have a good reading background along with writing interest then you can earn money by writing online.

The Internet world is always craving new and trendy content. If you look at studies, the average American spends 5.4 to 5.8 hours daily to consume content.

In the content market, there are about 99% of the consumer and the remaining are creators. Welcome if you are in the creator category. Online options are available for content creators.

When you come across a writing business, you get opportunities to work on freelancing and partner programs. Many websites conduct partner programs as their business model. Let us discuss them one by one.

Vocal Media

Vocal media is an online writing platform that comes into the picture in 2017. Anyone can post on vocal Media. They have a team of curators who curates every submitted article.

How does payment work on Vocal Media?

Payments on vocal Media are not pleasurable as compare to other platforms. Vocal media pays you…



Saurabh Adhane
The Brave Writer

Writer and software Engineer also loves photography and solo Travelling